What to Wear on a First Date – Ideas For Men & Women


what to wear couple

First dates are always special because they are all about the first impression. They tend to determine how the relationship proceeds (if at all). While looks are not the only important aspect of first impressions, they still play a key role in molding others’ perspectives about you. Comfort is very important and the focus is to achieve an effortless style of dressing.

Deciding what to wear on the first date can be a daunting and stressful experience, regardless of your gender. However, if you get it right, you might get asked on a second date to take the relationship further. Here we have a few ideas for men and women on what to wear on a first date.Shaadi

Wear What Makes you Confident

Your personality will be impressive only if you wear something that you feel confident in. Clothing tends to have an immense impact on how you feel and behave. Women might feel that a little black dress enhances their flirting skills while men might feel a well-tailored jacket suit does the same. Whatever floats your boat.

Wear Red or Black When in Doubt

If you are confused about what to wear, the best thing to do is stick to colors like red or black. These colors are associated with romance and will definitely make you look more attractive. We know how black can make anybody look great.

Wear Comfortable and Practical Clothing

Your body language is as important as your words, especially during a date. Ensuring that you are comfortable in the clothes you are wearing will automatically bring about more confidence in your body language. Being physically uncomfortable (due to clothing) can be a huge turn-off for the other person.

Try to Avoid Brown and Orange

We’ve already covered what colors are safe for a first date, but do you know there are colors that you must avoid? They are brown and orange. These are colors that are usually not associated with traits like confidence, sex appeal, or intelligence. Orange might send subconscious signals that you are attention-seeking and superficial while brown might say you are boring.

Ladies, go for natural make-up

Wearing make-up can be a great way to boost your confidence on a first date, but research shows that wearing heavy make-up that is visible tends to have a negative effect. Opting for a natural make-up look is a good idea.

Be yourself

While we did mention a lot of do’s and don’ts, we believe the most important thing to do on a first date is to be yourself. So, if you love bold make-up or the colors like orange and brown, then why not? Your date should respect your choices.

Keep all these little factors in mind to have a lovely date. Remember to breathe out all the stress and enjoy yourself as you get to know each other. We are happy to offer you tips to make your experience at Shadi.com a pleasant and successful one.shaadi.com login