Bride comfort-Groom’s Gain!

You’ve just got married and bought the bride home. As the honey moon dust settles in matrimony, it’s time to take a reality check. A bride is nervous when she steps in the foyer of her husband’s home for the first time. Even if she has socialized with her in-laws and other relatives, she needs initial comfort level. She has left her maternal place forever where she led a sequestered life. Now she will be the focus of attention in her new home. It is natural for the husband and his family to make her feel that she has come to another secure home.

The husband’s younger sister could be of great help to the newly wed bride. If they are in similar age group the bride learns to adjust easier. If a mother-in-law is equally amiable, the shy bride will be relieved. In Asian families where the joint family system still prevails, a bride looks upon her husband and one younger member in the family to help with the adjusting. If there is no sister, and only a brother, he could be of help everywhere except, perhaps the kitchen. A bride is likely to feel comfortable when her cooking skills are recognized by the new family. When the bride also adjusts to the new ways and adapts herself she is assured of having a great married life. After all, it takes two to tango and all the adjustment cannot come only from the family but also from the bride.