Key and sometimes difficult questions to ask your potential life partner

Key and sometimes difficult questions to ask your potential life partner
Dear Ravi,

Look forward to finally meeting you in person. I thought it might be helpful to discuss some important aspects of our lives, values, and expectations. These topics can help us understand each other better and determine if we share common goals and interests.


  1. Family Background:

– Can you tell me about your family and your relationship with them?

  1. Education and Career:

– What are your educational qualifications and what do you do for a living?

  1. Cultural and Religious Beliefs:

– How important are cultural and religious practices to you?

  1. Personal Values and Beliefs:

– What are some core values you believe in and live by?

  1. Financial Status and Goals:

– Can we discuss our views on financial planning and goals?

  1. Past Relationships and Experiences:

– What have you learned from your past relationships?

  1. Health and Lifestyle:

– Are there any health issues I should be aware of? What kind of lifestyle do you prefer?

  1. Hobbies and Interests:

– What are your hobbies and how do you like to spend your free time?

  1. Long-Term Goals and Aspirations:

– What are your long-term goals, both personally and professionally?

  1. Expectations from Marriage:

– What are your expectations from marriage and how do you envision our life together?

By discussing these characteristics and questions openly, we can gain a comprehensive understanding and determine if we can share the same vision for a future together. I hope you take this letter as a reflection of how seriously I take this budding relationship.
