Spend as Much Effort on Your Matrimonial Profile as on Your Resume


Spend as Much Effort on Your Matrimonial Profile as on Your Resume

When searching for a mate on dating or matchmaking websites, I get tons of incredibly boring, cut-paste profiles. Then, once in a while, a profile will stand out and I can’t help but like it. I’m writing this blog to help you do really well on your first try. To understand why you should spend as much effort on your matrimonial profile as you do on your resume, keep reading! Here are my top 3 turn-offs in a profile and the top 4 factors that make a profile interesting.

My Dislikes

  1. A resume without a picture is 8 times less likely to be looked at. And the same goes for matrimonial websites like Shaadi.com login. Everyone is attracted to someone who is presentable; someone they feel would be an acceptable match. Your potential match will only click on a picture-free profile after they have gone through all profiles that do have pictures. So, for example, a retail sales girl with a nice picture will get more initial interest than a doctor without a picture.
  2. Sometimes, you see profiles that clearly ask for a green card, some sort of sponsorship or a luxurious life full of travel and shopping.  Certainly, most people are not so obvious but you catch my drift. I would highly advise against writing introductions that have this push factor of seeking material advantage rather than a life partner.
  3. Most importantly, don’t lie on your profile. If you lie, it can be a bit obvious and a deal breaker for almost everyone. In fact, even if you are a really good liar, it will come through once you start talking with a potential match or meet with them. And once caught in the lie, it can be an embarrassing end to a potentially great relationship.

My Likes

  1. I find authentic introductions which sound both sincere and fun extremely attractive. They are both short, sweet, and genuine. And that’s how it should be for someone looking for their life partner through hundreds of profiles.
  2. While a profile with a picture is well-liked, it’s always easier to navigate profiles that have a picture that is clear. Pictures that are blurry too zoomed out or zoomed in can be reason enough to scroll right through. Oh, and sunglasses are a big no.
  3. Finding an introduction that shows what you are expecting from your potential partner is quite interesting. Also telling the reader what you are bringing to the table is important. So, try to write what you are looking for in your life partner and why you are the great person that your friends and family think you are. So no time is wasted and the right person finds you automatically. Shaadi
  4. Short introductions are way better than unnecessarily long paragraphs where I have to look for important information. So, while you’re at it, try to provide a concise and useful introduction about yourself. I see profiles that take half the space telling me how great their dad or uncle is. Not marrying your dad or uncle so no just no.
Now, you might have an idea why you should spend as much effort on your matrimonial profile as you do on your resume. So, create your profile here in a manner that is both acceptable and authentic. Who knows, you might just find love! best new york matrimony