Divorce & The Learning Curve About Marriage

Divorce and the learning curve about unsuccessful marriages teaches how to avoid mistakes second time around. While divorce is an unfortunate reality in our modern society today. It can cause a lot of upheaval in the lives of couples who are in the process or have been divorced. Here are 6 things to learn how to have a successful marriage second time.
Be aware of your deal breakers before considering marriage
Before considering marriage you should know your non-negotiables. What are your top 3 -4 things in your wish list on which you won’t compromise? Your potential life partner should be compatible on things which won’t become deal breakers down the road. This time have a realistic approach and the belief that you will attract someone like-minded soon. Marriage should be thought out and taken seriously to avoid divorce.
Top priority should be the relationship with your spouse
Your life partner is your top priority of all the other relationships in your life. It includes your children or other family members. It will make the relationship bond stronger with your partner.shaadi.com login
Respect and good manners
Having respect for your life partner and practicing good manners is the right way forward. Your relationship will go a long way. Being considerate and saying “Thank you” and ”Please” shows you care and consider your partner important part of your life. Helping in household chores and picking up your stuff shows you are a caring thoughtful person. Being grateful to small and big things in life helps.
Marriage is not about you
If you are not a happy and a complete person yourself before entering a relationship, you are making a big mistake.You should not hold your partner accountable for your happiness.
Disagreements happen learn to deal with them
In relationships there will be disagreements learn to deal with fairly. Don’t let your ego get in the way. Try to talk and discuss issues calmly and find solutions which is fair to both of you. Set aside a time without interruptions to sort out the issues with an open mind.shaadi
Friendship is essential
Friendship is important in a relationship. You should be your spouse’s best friend and be able to talk without hesitation on any topic. Take time out have fun and laughter with your partner. Doing projects or fun activities together keeps you connected and passionate.